Wc3-Maps.ru » Карты по категориям для Minecraft » Карты на Выживание 1.6.4, 1.6.2, 1.5.2, 1.4.7

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1. Grow 4 trees
2. Mine all the types of ores
3. Obtain the items from all 3 chests in the map
4. Make a cactus, sugar cane, melon and wheat farm
5. Create a cobblestone generator
6. Milk a cow
7. Kill a spider, creeper, zombie, skeleton and enderman
8. Create a 2 story house made of bricks
9. Make a waterfall from the top of the cross to the bottom
10. Spawn a baby chicken with an egg
11. Make a mine cart track that leads to the right and left of the cross and ride it
12. Create a stone sky ship that contains a bedroom, a flag and a stair case leading to the cross
13. Craft a jukebox and at least 2 disks for it to play
14. Invent an infinite water source
15. Create a piston
16. Craft a workbench, chest and furnace

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Категория: Карты на Выживание 1.6.4, 1.6.2, 1.5.2, 1.4.7 | Добавил: Адмирал
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