Wc3-Maps.ru » Карты по категориям для Minecraft » Карты на Выживание 1.6.4, 1.6.2, 1.5.2, 1.4.7

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List of Mining Challenges:
- Collect 256 Clay – Bonus: Collect over 9000
- Collect 256 Sand – Bonus: Collect over 9000
- Find Coal
- Find Iron
- Find Gold
- Find Redstone
- Find Lapis Lazuli
- Find Diamonds
- Find a Zombie Spawner
- Find a Cave Spider Spawner
- Find a Skeleton Spawner
- Find a Blaze Spawner

List of Crafting Challenges:
- Craft one Compass
- Craft 10 Paintings
- Craft 6 Fire Charge
- Craft 24 Bookshelves
- Craft a Brewing Stand
- Craft 10 TNT
- Craft a Enchantment Table
- Craft one Jukebox
- Craft 3 Dispensers
- Craft 10 Sticky Pistons
- Craft 25 Redstone Lamps
- Craft 5 Note Blocks

List of Farm Challenges:
- Build a Wheat Farm
- Build a Melon Farm
- Build a Pumpkin Farm
- Build a Mushroom Farm
- Build a Sugarcane Farm
- Build a Cactus Farm
- Build a Snow Farm
- Build a Tree Farm
- Build a Cow Farm
- Build a Pig Farm
- Build a Sheep Farm
- Build a Chicken Farm
Bonus: build a Cake Factory
Bonus: build 4 different tree farms
Bonus: build 2 different mushroom farms

List of other Challenges:
- Build a Nether Portal
- Make a jungle in the Nether
- Find a Nether Fortresses
- Find a End Portal
- Find a Abandoned Mine Shaft
- Build a 2x2 hidden piston door
- Build a 20x20x20 sandstone pyramid
- Build a 30x30 Mobfarmer
- Build a 20x20x20 Biodome
- Build a 50x50 natural looking underground lake
- Kill the Enderdragon
- Place a boat on a Ghast

List of Kill Challenges & more
- Kill 5 Zombies with your fists
- Kill 1 Creeper with your fists
- Kill 3 Skeletons with your fists
- Kill 5 Spiders with your fists
- Kill 1 Enderman with your fists
- Punch a Zombie into lava
- Punch a Creeper into lava
- Punch a Skeleton into lava
- Punch a Spider into lava
- Punch a Enderman into water
- Build a prison for 2 creeprs, zombies and Skeletons
- Find the hidden treasure room (version 1.1 or higher)

List of Multiplayer Challenges
- Punch your friend into water
- Punch your friend into lava
- Throw your friend into a 5 blocks deep hole while he is AFK
- Kill your friend while he is AFK
- Throw your friend a snowball in his face
- Throw your friend a egg in his face
- Trying to convince your friend that you are Notch
- Defeat your friend in a Box-Fight
- Build a statue for your friend
- Invite your friend to a romatic Candle Light Dinner with steaks

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Категория: Карты на Выживание 1.6.4, 1.6.2, 1.5.2, 1.4.7 | Добавил: Адмирал
Просмотров: 2251 | Скачиваний: 540 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0 | Дата добавления

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