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Bukkit плагин BasicsPlugin v2.8.1 для Minecraft 1.7.2


Этот плагин добавит на сервер все самые важные и необходимые команды, например: /heal; /diamond; /time; /kill ; /getworld и другие.

1 - /heal (refills your health)
2 - /diamond (gives you diamond equipment)
3 - /worldedit (gives you worldedit-equipment like wooden axe, sword etc.)
4 - /clearinv (clears your inventory)
5 - /jesus - Removed in v2.4 -
6 - /minecart (you get a minecart)
7 - /getworld (shows in which world you are)
8 - /playtime (shows how long you've been playing since the last login)
9 - /quit (disconnects you from server)
10 - /port (Teleports you to given Player)
11 - /porthere (Teleports the given Player to you)
12 - /get (You'll get the given Blog / Item)
13 - /send (You'll send the given Item to given Player)
14 - /setbase (Set the Base with given name to current Coordinates)
15 - /base (Teleports you to given Base)
16 - /gm (Sets your Gamemode to given Gamemode)
17 - /hide (Hides you)
18 - /show (shows you again)
19 - /time (sets time to given point)
20 - /kill (kills you or the given player)

1. /heal >> basicsplugin.heal
2. /diamond >> basicsplugin.diamond
3. /worldedit >> basicsplugin.worldedit
4. /clearinv >> basicsplugin.clearinv
5. /jesus - Removed in v2.4 -
6. /minecart >> basicsplugin.minecart
7. /getworld >> basicsplugin.getworld
8. /playtime >> basicsplugin.playtime
9. /quit >> basicsplugin.quit
10. /port >>basicsplugin.port
11. /porthere >> basicsplugin.porthere
12. /get >> basicsplugin.get
13. /send >> basicsplugin.send
14. /setbase >> basicsplugin.setbase
15. /base >> basicsplugin.base
16. /gm >> basicsplugin.gm
17. /hide >> basicsplugin.hide
18. /show >> basicsplugin.hide
19. /time >> basicsplugin.time
20. /kill >> basicsplugin.kill

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