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[0.9.9 CT] webium's модпак World of Tanks


При помощи этого модпака можно выбрать множество полезных в игре World of Tanks 0.9.9 модов. Множество ангаров, которые можно изменить или удалить, многократный зум, который полез при командных боях, ведь можно не только приближать, но и отдалять. Можно ставить часы в ангаре и разные озвучки экипажа; можно включать статистику; присутствует пользовательские круговое меню; белые мертвые танки, которые поднимают FPS.

Список всех модов:
XVM with Stats (xvm 6.0.3 #3977),
Minimap + last known position, (Configurable CAPS Lock or CTRL for big minimap)
Never seen enemy,
Custom SixthSense icons + different sounds,
Colored players names by WN8
Webium's contour icons
No Intro Video
HP in PlayersPanel and Minimap
Tank Carousel
Clock in Hangar

J1mB0's Crosshair Mod
Shtys Minimalistic Crosshair
Zayaz Crosshair
Deegie's Sight
MeltyMap's MathMod
HardScope - [Andrey_Hard]
Giacint - [SAVBO]
Sword of Damocles sight
Taipan [DIKEY93]
Kellerman blue [soulza]

Damage Panels:
Zayaz's DP with Taken Damage History Log
Shtys's DP with Taken Damage History Log
GambitER damage panel with Taken Damage History Log + Sound alert when on fire
Mini DP [marsoff]

ZoomOut mod - [koshnaranek]
ZoomX - [koshnaranek]
Zoom Indicator - [koshnaranek]
NoScroll - [koshnaranek]
Old Serverside Reticle - [koshnaranek]

Critical Hit Sound
Kriegstreiber's sounds (Engines, Guns, Hits)
Gnomefather's engines and guns sounds
Piciu's War Thunder Gun and Engin Sounds
Voice mods Duke Nukem and Czech movie lines
Voice mod Team Fortress 2

Clock in Hangar - [AntonVK]
AutoEquip - [Skino88]
WN8 Session stats - [tratatank]
PMOD Session Stats - [P0LIR0ID]
Hell Minimal Hangar - [hellinger]
Bat Cave Hangar
15. August Hangar (Asia version)
Chinese national day Hangar
Miku Hangar [Parking Area Team]
Hangar Switch (switch hangars right in game) - [yaotzinv]
Crew Exp Extended - [spoter]
Vehicle Exp Extended - [spoter]
Quests Extended - [spoter]
Replays Manager - [STL1te]

Max Farplane - [AtotIK]
Chat History - [STL1te]
Shtys Info Panel - [shtys]
Accurate Damage Indicator - [Meltymap]
Visible Rail Wagons - [webium]
Custom Radial Menu - [locastan]
Time alert + 15 voices for killing enemy tanks - [locastan + webium]
SafeShot - you are unable to shoot dead tanks (2 seconds after death), eventualy on Ally - [Skino88]
Always visible outlines for Allies (over 100m distance) - [locastan]
Team HP Pool - [locastan]
ATAC! - display warning if enemy is closer then 100m (only if you dont see him in your screen) - on/off F10 key
Female Crew
Korean Random Hit Zones Skins - [Dendyt]
White Dead Tanks - [AHuMex]
Idependent Hitlog & InBattle WN8 Calculator- [PiJey77]
Spot Messanger (Im spotted mod) (disabled in random) on/off F11
AutoAim Indicator [Krzysztof_Chodak]
AutoAim Extended [Spoter]
Armoring Extended [Spoter]
Spotted Extended [Spoter]
Skill Informer - View Crew Skills and Modules in Battle (BackSpace) [voytello]

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Категория: Моды для World of tanks | Добавил: Igor1337
Просмотров: 2324 | Скачиваний: 609 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0 | Дата добавления

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